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Value in an exit

Understanding why you have a high attrition is a fundamental part to resolving your brands recruitment issues. In simple terms if you are not losing people, you are doing everything right and off the back of that you should have people forming an orderly queue to join your team once that word gets out right?

It’s not as simple as that though, is it?

 2022 will always be remembered as the great resignation. May anticipate that will follow on in to 2023

Firstly, how do you find this information out. We know many previous employees can leave with a bad taste and may not be as fair in their judgement with you. Will they tell you the real reason why they are leaving? Do they trust anonymity when dealing with their line manager or HR department? 

Last year’s CIPD Good Work Index, a survey of more than 6,000 UK workers, found that one in five workers (20%) say it’s likely they will quit their current role in the next 12 months, compared with 16% in 2021. How are you manging this and how can you turn this good?

 While only 30% of internal exit interviews are returned using an independent provider can gain up to a 90% success. Problem is that an independent provider comes at a cost unless you are partnered with a recruitment company that cares about your retention more than lip service.

When you partner with Mooch it’s the service, we offer that separates us from the thousands of others. It’s not just about or industry knowledge, talent attraction, providing you with the right people but building your brand, employee engagement and retaining the team you have spent so long building.

Talk to us, let’s see where we can help.